LGM Industries was engaged to remove site components and install the prefabricated replacement bin.
Upon the completion of extensive NDT testing, it was determined that the Bauxite Bin required replacement due to excessive wear. LGM carried out the offsite fabrication of the new bin including upgrading liners as per the design model, within the allocated access outage.
LGM’s management team planned and devised the replacement of the ailing bin, overcoming the challenge of safely removing the redundant asset from within a congested location with operating plant surrounding the work area. This required the design and engineering of several lifting devices, most notably a rail mounted turntable and elevating platform that allowed the redundant bin to be cut, lowered, swivelled and manoeuvred out of the building. The same system was then used to install the new, upgraded, bin.
LGM’s work scope included:
• The supply and fabrication of the replacement bin (approx. 90T).
• Trial assembling and 3D scanning in the adjacent laydown area (approx. 10,000m2), ensuring dimensional tolerance.
Despite challenging conditions that included inclement weather and spillage from operating plant, LGM completed the outage with zero significant incidents, FAI’s, MTI’s or LTI’s in over 30,000 hours worked.